»Gospod, ne trudi se! Nisem namreč vreden, da prideš pod mojo streho.« (Lk 7,6b)
Jezus išče pogane in se pridruži vsem, ki zanje prosijo. Pogan išče Jezusa, ker hoče, da mu ozdravi služabnika. Ko vidi, da je Jezus takoj na razpolago, začuti, da ni vreden, da ga Jezus obišče pod njegovo streho. Čuti globoko spoštovanje. Če ne čutim spoštovanja do Boga, ne morem verovati vanj. Svojim malikov (lažnih bogov) namreč ne spoštujem, ampak mislim, da mi služijo, čeprav sem njihov suženj. Večjo nevrednost čutim, močnejša bo moja vera v Jezusa po katerem Bog želi za nas storiti vse kar potrebujemo. Vabi me, da brezpogojno zaupam njegovi besedi. Jezusovo moč lahko doživljam tudi v njegovi odsotnosti. Prosimo za vero v učinkovitost Njegove besede. On odgovarja na moje in tvoje najgloblje potrebe. Če mu zaupam imam enako zmožnost kot Bog. Če ne, pa lahko vzklikam: »Verujem, pomagaj moji neveri!«
"Lord, don't bother! For I am not worthy that you should come under my roof." (Luke 7:6b)
Jesus seeks out the Gentiles and joins all who ask for him. The Gentile seeks Jesus because he wants him to heal his servant. When he sees that Jesus is immediately available, he feels that he is not worthy to be visited by Jesus under his roof. He feels a deep respect. If I do not feel respect for God, I cannot believe in Him. For I have no respect for my idols (false gods), but I think they serve me, even though I am their slave. The more unworthiness I feel, the stronger my faith in Jesus will be, through whom God wants to do for us whatever we need. He invites me to trust His Word unconditionally. I can experience the power of Jesus even in his absence. Let us ask for faith in the effectiveness of His Word. He answers my deepest needs and yours. If I trust Him, I have the same ability as God. If not, I can cry out, "Believe, help my unbelief!"