»Ko jo je Gospod zagledal, se mu je zasmilila in ji je rekel: 'Ne jokaj!'« (Lk 7,13)
Ko smo soočeni s smrtjo bližnjih, jokamo. Ne moremo drugače. Jezus se je zjokal nad Lazarjevim grobom. Zakaj nam torej pravi, naj ne jokamo? Ali zato, ker je neobčutljiv za tragedijo smrti, ker je psihopat? Ne. Zato, ker nam hoče dati pogum in zaupanje, da je smrt premagana. Njegove solze so posušile vse naše joke in vsebujejo obljubo življenja, ki je močnejše od smrti. Mi obupamo pred neizogibnostjo. On pa je Gospod življenja, ki naš strah pred smrtjo, naš obup in jok, spremeni v veselje. Jok nam preprečuje videti. On nas vidi in ozdravlja, ker nas ljubi bolj kot mati svojega dojenčka.
"When the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, 'Do not weep'" (Luke 7:13).
When we are faced with the death of loved ones, we weep. We cannot do otherwise. Jesus wept over the tomb of Lazarus. So why does he tell us not to weep? Is it because he is insensitive to the tragedy of death, because he is a psychopath? No. It is because he wants to give us courage and confidence that death is conquered. His tears have dried all our tears and contain the promise of a life that is stronger than death. We despair of the inevitable. But He is the Lord of life who turns our fear of death, our despair and weeping, into joy. Crying prevents us from seeing. He sees us and heals us because He loves us more than a mother loves her infant.