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Writer's picturep. dr. Vili Lovše

20.9.2023 – sv. Korejski mučenci – Muhasti

»S kom naj torej primerjam ljudi tega rodu? Komu so podobni?« (Lk 7,31)

Ljudje tega rodu smo trdosrčneži in ne sprejemamo Jezusove dobre novice. Smo prešuštni in grešni, ker računamo na vse mogoče malike, da bi si sami ohranili in pomnožili življenje. Prešuštni smo, ker ne poznamo Boga, ki je naš ženin. Nismo se zmožni držati prve zapovedi: Veruj v enega Boga! V tem je korenina grešnosti in sebičnosti. Gluhi smo in nočemo poslušati Jezusove besede, nočemo se odpreti in smo ošabni. Vse v svojo in bližnjih škodo in trpljenje. Naša specializacija je: »nasprotovati Božjemu načrtu in delovanju« vedno in povsod. Smo kot muhasti in razvajeni otroci, ki jim ni nikdar prav, kar starši naredijo zanje.

"Who am I to compare the people of this race with? Who are they like?" (Luke 7:31)

People of this generation are hard-hearted and do not accept the good news of Jesus. We are adulterous and sinful because we count on all kinds of idols to preserve and multiply life for ourselves. We are adulterous because we do not know God, who is our Bridegroom. We are unable to keep the first commandment: Believe in one God. This is the root of sinfulness and selfishness. We are deaf and refuse to listen to the words of Jesus, we refuse to open ourselves and we are arrogant. All to our own and our neighbour's harm and suffering. Our specialisation is: "to oppose God's plan and action" always and everywhere. We are like capricious and spoiled children who never like what their parents do for them.

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