»Hočem, da mi takoj daš na krožniku glavo Janeza Krstnika.« (Mr 6,25)
Takšen je običajen odgovor posvetne miselnosti vseh časov na Kristusov evangelij. Velikaši in mogočni so v sebi razklani. Evangelij jih tako zmoti, da postanejo nasilni. Čeprav bi kot Pilat, radi delali dobro, ga zaradi ošabnosti ne zmorejo, ampak delajo zlo, ki ga nočejo. Če Jezusa in njegovo besedo vzamemo resno, pa nas čaka enaka usoda kot Jezusa in Janeza Krstnika: glava na pladnju. Naša zgodovina je zato dramatičen spopad med Lučjo in temo, med resnico in lažjo, med suženjstvom in svobodo, med podarjanjem in posedovanjem… Če se nisem pripravljen spremeniti, me evangelij moti. Beseda me vabi v spreobrnjenje iz farizejske miselnosti v misel sinov in hčera našega Očeta, ki ima samo sinove in hčere, nima sovražnikov.
""I want you to put John the Baptist's head on my plate right now." (Mr 6:25)
This is the usual response of the secular mindset of all times to the Gospel of Christ. The great and powerful are divided within themselves. They are so distracted by the Gospel that they become violent. Although, like Pilate, they would like to do good, they cannot do it because of their arrogance, but do evil which they do not want to do. If we take Jesus and his word seriously, we will suffer the same fate as Jesus and John the Baptist: a head on a platter. Our history is therefore a dramatic clash between light and darkness, truth and lies, slavery and freedom, giving and possessing... If I am not ready to change, the Gospel disturbs me. The Word invites me to convert from a Pharisaic mindset to that of the sons and daughters of our Father, who has only sons and daughters, no enemies.