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3. 10.2023 – Pokonča

»Gospod, ali hočeš, da rečeva, naj pade ogenj z neba in jih pokonča?« (Lk 9,54-56).

Neštetokrat ne slišimo, niti sebe, niti bližnjih, kaj šele Kristusa in njegovo besedo. On ne odneha in se da videti. V njem vidimo nekoga, ki posluša Očeta. Jakob in Janez ga ne slišita, ker poslušata svoje slavohlepje. Goreča sta, a brez razločevanja. Jezus pravi, da bo zavrnjen in ubit. Jezus se izroči iz ljubezni. To je edina in resnična moč. On ne sežiga nikogar in nima sovražnikov. On ljubi in odpušča. Zato sprejme zavrnitev in smrt. Njegov ogenj, ki pade na vse, je Njegova ljubezen do nas. Vsak izmed nas ima dolgo pot, da nas duh osvobodi te slepe in sebične gorečnosti ter nas usposobi za sodelovanje s Kristusovo ljubeznijo. Prosimo za Svetega Duha, ki je ljubezen Očeta in Sina. Tega Ognja kličimo drug na drugega in na vse sovražnike.

"Lord, do you want us to say that fire should fall from heaven and consume them?" (Luke 9:54-56).

Countless times we do not hear, neither ourselves nor our neighbours, let alone Christ and his Word. He does not give up and make Himself seen. In him we see someone who listens to the Father. James and John do not hear Him because they are listening to their own glorification. They are zealous but indiscriminate. Jesus says he will be rejected and killed. Jesus gives himself up out of love. That is the only and true power. He burns no one and has no enemies. He loves and forgives. That is why he accepts rejection and death. His fire that falls on all is His love for us. Each one of us has a long way to go before the Spirit frees us from this blind and selfish zeal and enables us to cooperate with the love of Christ. We ask for the Holy Spirit, who is the love of the Father and of the Son. Let us invoke this Fire on one another and on all our enemies.

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