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Writer's picturep. dr. Vili Lovše

6.9.2023 – Kraljestvo

»On pa jim je rekel: 'Tudi drugim mestom moram oznaniti evangelij o Božjem kraljestvu, ker sem za to poslan.'« (Lk 4,43)

Božja volja za Jezusa je, da oznanja evangelij o Božjem kraljestvu. S svojim življenjem kot v čudovitem mozaiku pokaže izkustva tega kraljestva. Luka piše zato, da bi tudi mi, kakor so Jezusovi učenci, prepoznali, da je Božje kraljestvo navzoče v obličju umrlega in vstalega Jezusa Kristusa. Božje kraljestvo je vse kar je ravno nasprotno od človeškega kraljestva: krivice, zatiranje, nasilje in zlo. Božje kraljestvo ni sad našega prizadevanja in delovanja. Božje je. Mi ga lahko samo v molitvi hvaležno sprejemamo. Vrača nas naši resnici sinov in hčera Boga. Ozdravlja nas naših bolezni, zla in smrti. Vse to je v Jezusu na nevsiljiv način že dano in deluje med nami. Dano nam je za vse in nikdar ni naša zasebna in izključna pravica.

"But he said to them, 'I must also preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities, because I was sent for this purpose'" (Luke 4:43).

God's will for Jesus is to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. He shows the experience of this kingdom in his life as in a beautiful mosaic. Luke writes so that we, like Jesus' disciples, may also recognize that the kingdom of God is present in the face of the dead and risen Jesus Christ. The kingdom of God is everything that is the opposite of the kingdom of man: injustice, oppression, violence and evil. The kingdom of God is not the fruit of our efforts and actions. It is God's. We can only receive it gratefully in prayer. It returns us to our truth as sons and daughters of God. He heals us of our sickness, evil and death. All this is already given in Jesus in an unobtrusive way and is at work among us. It is given to us for everything and is never our private and exclusive right.

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