»… ampak se veselite, ker so vaša imena zapisana v nebesih.« (Lk 10,20b)
S Kristusom smo zapisani v Bogu. S svojo krvjo in ranami nas je vtisnil v Božje srce. Če ga sprejmemo smo sinovi in hčere v Sinu. Dediči Božje ljubezni. To je najgloblji razlog našega veselja. Jezus nas ne osvobaja le zla, ampak nam omogoča intimnost z Bogom in med seboj. On prebiva v nas in mi v njem. To je popolno veselje. Za to smo bili ustvarjeni. On nas ljubi z vsem srcem in postane z nami eno meso. Enako je omogočil tudi nam. To je razlog našega veselja in ne konkretni sadovi poslanstva, ki so negotovi. Ko sem poslan, sem kakor Kristus. Sin, ki ljubi Očeta in brate in sestre.

"... but rejoice, for your names are written in heaven." (Luke 10:20b)
With Christ we are written in God. By His blood and wounds He has imprinted us on God's heart. If we accept Him, we are sons and daughters in the Son. Heirs of God's love. This is the deepest reason for our joy. Jesus not only frees us from evil, but enables us to be intimate with God and with each other. He dwells in us and we in him. This is perfect joy. This is what we were created for. He loves us with all his heart and becomes one flesh with us. He has made it possible for us to do the same. This is the reason for our joy, not the concrete fruits of our mission, which are uncertain. When I am sent, I am like Christ. A Son who loves the Father and his brothers and sisters.