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Writer's picturep. dr. Vili Lovše

7.9.2023 – Mreže

»Ko pa je nehal govoriti, je rekel Simonu: 'Odrini na globoko in vrzite mreže za lov!'« (Lk 5,4)

Mreže so za ribe smrt, za nas pa rešitev. Jezus uporablja podobo za svoje poslanstvo podobo ribolova. Njegova Beseda je mreža, ki nas ujame v Očetovo ljubezen in nam vrne to kar v resnici smo: sinovi in hčere nebeškega Očeta, med seboj pa bratje in sestre. Njegova beseda sega v vse čase in rodove, v vsako srce. Gre na globoko. Doseže vse. Mi smo povabljeni, da se mu pridružimo, da vsem pokažemo in povemo, kdo je Bog, kdo smo mi in zakaj smo tukaj.

"And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, 'Go out into the deep and cast out nets for a catch'" (Luke 5:4).

Nets are death for fish, but salvation for us. Jesus uses the image for his mission of fishing. His Word is the net that catches us in the Father's love and restores us to who we really are: sons and daughters of our heavenly Father, brothers and sisters among ourselves. His Word reaches into all times and generations, into every heart. It goes deep. It reaches out to all. We are invited to join him, to show and tell everyone who God is, who we are and why we are here.

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