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2.9.2023 – Bogastvo?

Writer's picture: p. dr. Vili Lovšep. dr. Vili Lovše

»Enemu je dal pet talentov, drugemu dva in tretjemu enega, vsakemu po njegovi zmožnosti, in odpotoval.« (Mt 25,15)

Spet se nam vsiljuje laž, da so talenti imetje in materialni dobiček. To kar sem povabljen množiti je Njegova ljubezen do ubogih. Talent je Božja ljubezen do mene. Ko jo živim v odnosu do tebe se ta ljubezen pomnoži (dvakratno ali večkratno). Če odgovorim Bogu Očetu sem sin, enak Očetu, ker sem tebi brat, drugače pa ne. Ko odgovorim na njegovo ljubezen živim svojo resnično istovetnost. Če ne odgovorim, postajam nekaj, kar nisem in ne bom. Verjamem laži o Bogu. Če ga imam za hudobnega in neusmiljeno zahtevnega, ne živim iz njegove ljubezni, ampak sem legalističen pravilar, tiranski, bojazljiv in jalov. Gospod prebudi me, da bom pomnožil tvoj dar. Danes in tukaj.

"He gave to one five talents, to another two, and to a third one, to each according to his ability, and departed." (Mt 25:15)

Again, the lie is being pushed on us that talents are gifts, possessions and material gain. What I am called to multiply is His love for the poor. Talent is God's love for me. When I live it in relationship to you, this love is multiplied (doubled or multiplied). If I answer God the Father, I am a son, equal with the Father, because I am a brother to you, but not otherwise. When I respond to his love I live my true identity. If I do not respond, I become something I am not and will not be. I believe the lie about God. If I think of Him as wicked and mercilessly demanding, I am not living out of His love, but am a legalistic ruler, tyrannical, cowardly and vain. Lord, wake me up so that I may multiply your gift. Today and here.

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