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4.9.2023 – Izpolnjeno

Writer's picture: p. dr. Vili Lovšep. dr. Vili Lovše

»In začel jim je govoriti: 'Danes se je to Pismo izpolnilo, kakor ste slišali.'« (Lk 4,21)

Med tednom bomo sedaj brali odlomke iz Lukovega evangelija. Evangelij je dobra novica, da je Bog v Kristusu že uresničil to, kar obljublja v stari zavezi. Luka nas vabi, da poslušamo Jezusovo besedo in tako postajamo njegovi sodobniki, ki vstopajo v odrešenje, ki ga je že uresničil in podaril vsem, ki ga hočejo in želijo sprejeti. Jezus posluša Očeta. Očetova beseda v Njem postane resničnost sedanjega življenja. Če poslušam Jezusa in njegovo besedo delim z drugimi, postajam član Božje družine odrešenih. Danes in tukaj sem deležen Kristusovega odrešenja. To je dobra novica – evangelij. Prisluhnimo in poslušajmo Jezusa v katerem je Božja ljubezen do nas uresničena. To kar On govori postaja dejanje in stvarnost.

"And he began to say to them, 'Today this Scripture has been fulfilled, just as you have heard'" (Luke 4:21).

During the week we will now read passages from the Gospel of Luke. The Gospel is the good news that God has already fulfilled in Christ what He promises in the Old Testament. Luke invites us to listen to the word of Jesus and so become his contemporaries, entering into the salvation he has already accomplished and given to all who are willing and eager to receive it. Jesus listens to the Father. The Father's Word becomes a reality of present life in Him. If I listen to Jesus and share His Word with others, I become a member of God's family of the redeemed. I share in Christ's salvation here and today. This is the good news - the gospel. Let us listen and obey Jesus in whom God's love for us is realised. What He says becomes action and reality.

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