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8.9.2023 – Rojstvo Device Marije - Sorodniki

Writer's picture: p. dr. Vili Lovšep. dr. Vili Lovše

»Jožef, ne boj se vzeti k sebi Marije, svoje žene; kar je spočela, je namreč od Svetega Duha« (Mt 1,20).

Jožef sanja Božje sanje. Ne vrti se okrog svojih potreb. Bog ga povabi, da popolnoma svobodno sprejme njegov Dar. Jožefa je strah. Takoj mu Bog pove, naj se ne boji in ne verjame strahu, ki ga sili v beg in izgubo vere. Ko Jožef posluša in uboga, je šele sposoben sprejeti Božji dar, ki mu ga Oče daje po Mariji. Daje mu ga za nas vse. Če zavrnem Sina, sem zavrnil tudi sestre in brate ter sebe kot sina. Če zavračam svet, zavračam Kristusa. Če zavračam Cerkev, zavračam Kristusa. V meni se ne more nič spočeti. Ostanem prazen in požirajoč sebe in druge. Jožef je vzor vernika tudi zame. Če kot Jožef zaupam Božji besedi, postajam sorodnik Boga, sin in vaš brat. Vse je odvisno od mojega odgovora na Božjo besedo. Beseda mi daje možnost, da Boga sprejmem, poslušam in mu odgovarjam.

"Joseph, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for what she has conceived is from the Holy Spirit" (Mt 1:20).

Joseph dreams God's dream. He does not revolve around his own needs. God invites him to accept his Gift with complete freedom. Joseph is afraid. Immediately God tells him not to fear and not to believe the fear that forces him to flee and lose faith. When Joseph listens and obeys, only then is he able to accept God's gift which the Father gives him through Mary. He gives it to him for all of us. If I reject the Son, I have also rejected my sisters and brothers and myself as a son. If I reject the world, I reject Christ. If I reject the Church, I reject Christ. Nothing can be conceived in me. I remain empty and devouring of myself and others. Joseph is the model of a believer for me too. If, like Joseph, I trust God's Word, I become a kinsman of God, a son and your brother. Everything depends on my response to God's Word. The Word gives me the possibility to receive God, to listen to Him and to respond to Him.

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